5th place in the ranking of REDIB journals


The Superior Council of Scientific Research and Universia, simultaneously with Clarivate Analytics, announced today (05/16/2017) in press releases the launching of the REDIB Ranking of Ibero-American scientific journals, included in that platform, and the result of the collaboration of those entities: 



In this ranking, index.comunicación occupies the 5th place among the Spanish journals in the area of Communication and the 6th place among the Ibero-American with a global classification index of 18,864.  In the same ranking appear prestigious journals in the area of Communication as Comunicar (47.934), Latin Journal of Social Communication (29.649), Mediterranean Journal of Communication (21.357), Fonseca Journal of Communication (9.279) or Icono 14 (9.243). 

We thank everyone for the effort made to achieve in a short period of time to be included in this important list. 

With this first edition of the REDIB Ranking one of its main objectives is fulfilled: to elaborate objective indicators based on the academic appointment, for the magazines of the area. 

The journals included in the REDIB Ranking are those that are indexed simultaneously by the REDIB and the Web of Science.  The REDIB Ranking can be consulted in the main page of the platform, https://www.redib.org, or directly in https://redib.org/recursos/Ranking/Revistas 

index.comunicación ranks 202 (out of 748) in the total indexed journals.  We continue working to make index.comunicación an excellent communication magazine. Thank you for trusting us and helping us in our work.