New Mixed Audiovisual Narratives in the Film Sector Through Youtubers
Digital prosumer, TV serial, Cinema, Mix narrative, Youtubers, PartnersAbstract
The new narratives of the main youtuber channels related to the film industry are investigated. A model is proposed that combines quantitative and qualitative data collection and interpretation with content analysis, digital ethnography and semiotic/discursive observation and exploration methods. Through quantification, it is deduced which are the typologies of the most demanded new audiovisual narratives. It also discussed the type of content generated by third parties and the current strategies of youtubers in the film sector to maintain an influx of followers. The existence of mixed narratives that triangulate the content created by the film industry with that of the author and that driven by the fandom is evidenced. We concluded that the audiovisual creations of youtubers whose channels are focused on the film industry are bringing people closer to educational content about film from different perspectives and fields, as well as expanding the original narrative of the film product to new narratives and formats that did not exist before and that could be considered by the film industry itself.
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