Comparative Analysis of the Discursive Interaction of Two Mathematics Edutubers




Metadiscourse, Interpersonal Model, Discursive Interaction, YouTube, edutubers, Mathematics


The new digital environments have allowed the creation of multimedia content that can reach a large number of users. YouTube is used by teachers who create educational content, and it is pertinent to ask about the discursive interaction that creators establish with their users. In this research, two YouTube channels dedicated to teaching mathematics, Unicoos and Matemáticas profe Alex, are compared to assess whether there are significant differences in terms of discursive interaction. The identification of the discursive interaction was made through the metadiscourse applying the interpersonal model. A qualitative content analysis was carried out and the Chi-square test was applied. The results show that there are significant differences in terms of the discursive interaction between the two edutubers. These differences are reflected in the way they interact and the use of questions, in the incorporation of markers of personal contributions and the markers shared knowledge. The use of dialogical strategies is not done with a pedagogical purpose, although the content produced is educational. This research is relevant because it shows the need to design educational content with pedagogical and dialogical intentionality.


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How to Cite

Anzola-Gomez, J., & Rivera-Rogel, D. (2023). Comparative Analysis of the Discursive Interaction of Two Mathematics Edutubers. index.Comunicación, 13(2), 297–320.