The government from X: Analysis of the Case of Gustavo Petro in Colombia




Government, Twitter, Polarization, Reality, Communication


An environment of crisis, which is experienced in Latin America, establishes in social platforms a special meaning, a pulpit from which bridges are built between the political actor, public institutions and the population. The circulation of messages seeks to reduce skepticism, mitigate the impact of public policies that bet on social equality. This research of mixed methodology had a digital corpus that covered the organization, in network, of online data: graphic information, hyperlinks, references or mentions of author. The digital message allowed us to perceive, in the online space, the duality that is presented in the value system through narratives (themes) and discourses (meanings and contexts) that function within the framework of social platforms. The main conclusion is that the mastery of communicative codes leads to an active reading, monitoring and control of the message to manage the radical emotions and reactions that are exalted at the moment.


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Author Biography

PhD. Andrés Barrios-Rubio, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija / Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

PhD. in Communication Content in the Digital Age of the Autonomous University of Barcelona; MBA with Specialty in Project Management from the University of Viña del Mar in Chile; Specialist in Digital Publishing and Multimedia, and Social Communicator - Journalist from the University of Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Author of the books "La r@dio en la sonosphere digital", "La radio generalista colombiana ante el desafío digital: un modelo en transición" and "De la onda a la Web: Paralelo entre la radio conventional y la radio virtual", and several book chapters and articles (focused on communication and vocational training, media and ICT) in national and international publications, disseminating the results of the research carried out. Academic Peer of Conaces, Colciencias and the National Accreditation Council - CNA in external visits for the purpose of High Quality Accreditation, Research Projects in Higher Education Institutions, Articles in Indexed Journals; also director and jury of Thesis Degree in Master Programs in the field of Communication and ICT. Develops its research activity, currently, in the use of social networks as a space for interculturality in the case of young people, the impact of ICTs on the training of communicators, and in the analysis of the synergies between on air and online in the Colombian radio industry; topics on which their academic publications are concerned. Bogotá - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Barrios-Rubio, A. (2024). The government from X: Analysis of the Case of Gustavo Petro in Colombia. index.Comunicación, 14(1), 255–279.