Toward a New Informative Agenda in the Coverage of Clime Summits (COP): Issues, Actors and Global Approach




Climate Change, Agenda, Digital Media, Theming, Informative Actors, COP


This article examines the news coverage of climate change in Spanish media, focusing on the last three Climate Summits (2021-2023) as a case study. Employing a content analysis methodology, the study reviews three key elements—topics, actors, and informational spaces—based on a sample of news pieces (n=671) segmented across six media outlets and three professional models. The results indicate a diversified agenda with a predominance of political content, followed by a growing attention to ecological transition and citizen actions. Institutional actors dominate the discussion, although activists and scientists also achieve notable visibility. Coverage is mainly approached from a global dimension and is concentrated in the Environment section. In summary, the study identifies a reorientation of the climate agenda in the post-pandemic context, where new thematic priorities emerge alongside greater prominence of social mobilization, sustainable solutions, and the green economy.


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How to Cite

Sendra Duro, E., & López Rabadán, P. (2025). Toward a New Informative Agenda in the Coverage of Clime Summits (COP): Issues, Actors and Global Approach. index.Comunicación, 15(1), 235–263.