Understanding of Design in Cayetano Aníbal and his Communicative Aspect


  • León Moreno García Universidad de Granada


Cayetano Aníbal, diseño, arte


The path of Cayetano Aníbal in the field of design is assessed in this study, as a fundamental part of his artistic work, by deepening precisely into how the creator conceives design. The paper includes some brief notes to explain and contextualize his training as an artist and how he began to make contact with this activity, along with some facts on his evolution and references to his most outstanding works. Next, we start studying some of them, with a special attention to the design of posters, murals, engravings and sculpture projects, inserting the same way references to his editorial production where we find reflections on his idea of design. In this analysis on the design of his works and the way they were conceived, we remark the communicative aspect and how he manages to convey certain values and ideas or propose certain concepts. So, from the point of view of Cayetano Aníbal, design is the product of capabilities and requirements of mind to reflect, explain, communicate and transform environments and contexts. We end with a reflection on how design and the process of mind by which an artist must face the conception of an artwork should be.


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How to Cite

Moreno García, L. (2015). Understanding of Design in Cayetano Aníbal and his Communicative Aspect. index.Comunicación, 5(1), 155–182. Retrieved from https://indexcomunicacion.es/index.php/indexcomunicacion/article/view/207