The Role of the Prosumer in the Expansion of Transmedia Storytelling on TV Fiction Stories: the Case of ‘The Ministry of Time’


  • Jorge Miranda Galbe Universidad San Pablo CEU de Madrid
  • Javier Figuero Espadas Universidad San Pablo CEU de Madrid


Fandom, Transmedia Storytelling, Fiction, Television, The Ministry of Time, Prosumers


This paper has the objective of demonstrate the important role of the prosumer in developing transmedia storytelling in fiction series for television. The contributions of this new type of consumers cannot be ignored. They should get the importance that they deserve, because their creations increase the visibility and brand value of the final product. For the realization of this article it will proceed to the case of study of the Spanish fiction serie The Ministry of Time. The fan phenomenon caused as a result of this serie has favored the creation of an enormous amount of transmedia content. This article shows that the contributions of the prosumers have the same importance than the official development of the series themeselves. They make it grow and become more complete, generating more engagement than series that only care about their monomedia development. They are a special group of consumers who producers have to care about, and listen to them. They are the biggest fans of these audiovisual products. And, in addition, they can increase or decrease the interest of a project of this nature.


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How to Cite

Miranda Galbe, J., & Figuero Espadas, J. (2016). The Role of the Prosumer in the Expansion of Transmedia Storytelling on TV Fiction Stories: the Case of ‘The Ministry of Time’. index.Comunicación, 6(2), 115–134. Retrieved from