White is the New Black: Interweaving Axes of Discrimination in ‘Orange is the New Black’
Axes of discrimination, Gender, Intersectionality, Orange is the New Black, Race, TV SeriesAbstract
From a classical feminist view, Orange is the New Black (Netflix, 2013- ) –OITNB– is considered an innovative point of view on gender in the so-called Television's Third Golden Age. It has got this recognition through a diverse and complex representation of women experiences, with a great variety of bodies, ethnicities, and sexualities. However, the application of an intersectional perspective allows us to discuss these positive results: race is a source of stereotypes. Thus, using Content Analysis, the main objective is to examine how the ethnic families of OITNB are represented; how race interacts with other axes of discrimination social class, functional diversity, age, gender, sexual orientation, and religion; and to study how patterns of domination and oppression are reproduced. In conclusion, this production favours narratives of white women, so it is a portrayal of symbolic discrimination in reference to other racial experiences.Metrics
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