Teen relationship with radio and television. Internet moves away from traditional media and redirects to new leisure formats. A case studio in a center of Province of Ciudad Real
Media behavior, traditional media, Internet, teens, gender and media behavior,Abstract
The main objective of this study is to review the ways in which adolescents relate to traditional radio and television, and the influence of Internet, such a meta-medium, may have on these modes of consumption. Attention was focused on Internet access via mobile phone. The study was carried out on the total population of a secondary education center, applying questionnaires with closed Likert-type questions, reliability scales and open-ended questions. The data were analyzed with the SPSS program to obtain descriptive statistics and perform multivariable analysis. The analysis of the data leads us to affirm that there are remarkable differences in the modes of radio consumption and the modes of television consumption by the adolescents subject of the study. In the same way, a homogenization of the consumption by sex is observed, giving small differences in some tastes on contents. Finally, it can be affirmed that the possibility of accessing the Internet in the mobile phone has not exerted any influence on the modes of consumption of radio and television in the subjects analyzed. Rather, the Internet facilitates and opens access to endless new formats of leisure, non-radio and television. Leisure time is distributed, and consumers are redirected out of the traditional media.
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