Fiction and reality: comparative analysis between Campoamargo (in ‘Mar de plástico’ serie) and El Ejido, Almería
Cultivation Theory, Identification, Cultural Diversity, TV fiction, Mar de Plástico, El EjidoAbstract
The following investigation carries out a comparative analysis between Campoamargo, a fictitious village made up for the audiovisual product Mar de Plástico, and the town of El Ejido (Almería). It is based on the influence of the television over the society and the Cultivation Theory, as part of the study of the ethnic minorities of the Spanish televisual fiction. The investigation form a case study composed by four main ideas –demography, cultural integration, delinquency and potential for conflict and working activity on greenhouse crops– with one common objective: to establish the level of similarity between the society shown by the fiction and the real society in which is inspired. In order to do it, on one hand the content of the TV series is watched and analysed, and on the other hand, several interviews are done to local people of Almería, where the TV series take place, whom due to their profession they know the reality of the area first-hand. Finally, after both analysis are done by separate, a comparison is done where the main similarities and differences between both scenarios are shown up.
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