The role of the teacher degree and his involvement with the digital humanities
Digital Humanities, teaching-learning, ICT, Edu, collaborative work, web 2.0.Abstract
The technological convergence is leading to rapid change in the communicative context and, above all, education. In this sense, the present investigation tries to analyze a twofold: on the one hand, identify the skills of university professors to the digital humanities for social learning and, on the other hand, recognize the good university practices, to identify the most widely used tools, as well as the motivations that lead to success in the collaborative methodologies in Web 2.0. Following this, the research is focused through a qualitative-quantitative methodology with the collection of 537 questionnaires made up of students and the development of a focus groups with a total of 20 teachers belonging to the University of Cadiz, Seville and Huelva. In this sense, it can be noted, among the most outstanding results, that the use of new technologies in the classroom is taking a visible role, both from the point of view of the student and the professor for teaching in a collaborative manner and to develop a critical attitude to the current context. Therefore, it is important to establish that, in times of digital humanities teachers must seek to empower the university students so that they acquire skills how to enter critical discourses.
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