Scientific Information in Spanish American Electronic Newspapers: The Case of Curiosity's Landing


  • Raymond Colle Red de Investigadores e Investigaciones en Comunicación Social, I&I


Comunicación científica, Periodismo científico, Divulgación científica, Periódicos digitales, World Wide Web.


News of the scientific and technological area do not occupy usually an abundant space in the daily press. The landing of the ‘Curiosity’ rover on Mars has been one of the times when we could expect a press coverage demonstrative of the interest and how the various digital versions of spanish newspapers cover this type of event. So we have seen media that not collected at all the news, and others that alluded to it on its cover yet the same day and extended it on a specific page, although the inclusion of illustrations and links that allow a deepening was very variable. We also note that, of the twelve that gave the news, only six have a permanent section of science or technology and that the actual use of the potential of hypermedia structure has not yet reached most of these newspapers.


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Author Biography

Raymond Colle, Red de Investigadores e Investigaciones en Comunicación Social, I&I

Profesor jubilado Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile. Director-administrador Red I&I (, webmaster Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación (Universidad de Alicante) y de red RAIC.


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How to Cite

Colle, R. (2012). Scientific Information in Spanish American Electronic Newspapers: The Case of Curiosity’s Landing. index.Comunicación, 2(1), 129–146. Retrieved from