Communicative practices and political disaffection in the context of election campaigns. Relationship analysis using the O-S-R-O-R model




Political Disaffection, Media Consumption, Political Conversation, O-S-R-O-R Model, Election Campaigns,


It is common to find in many democratic countries more and more citizens away from politics, with distrust in institutions and even delegitimizing the political system. There are several factors that may determine this political disaffection, which makes present through manifestations of cynicism, apathy and skepticism. Among them, the possible influence of both offline and online communication habits, such as media consumption and political conversation, has pointed out. To determine this possible effect, a panel survey was carried out during the last 2018 presidential elections in Mexico. Considering the O-S-R-O-R model as a reference, findings show a null influence of communication habits in the development of cynicism and a limited effect on the skepticism. However, there was an increase in apathy derived from both the consumption of traditional media and the development of interactive conversation.


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How to Cite

Muñiz, C. (2019). Communicative practices and political disaffection in the context of election campaigns. Relationship analysis using the O-S-R-O-R model. index.Comunicación, 9(1), 80–107.