Limits and Possibilities of Fact-Checking as a Social Practice to Improve Democracy: The Truco Nos Esta-dos Project in the Brazilian Elections of 2018




Fact-Checking, Journalism of Verification, Brazilian Elections 2018, Structural Changes of Journalism, Democracy, Journalism.


The paper discusses limits and possibilities of fact-checking as a social practice to improve democracy in the 21th century. In base on results of participation research developed in the Truco nos Estados project, from Agência Pública, during the Brazilian elections 2018, the text presents inferences about fact-checking context and impact to promote a democratic agenda having as theorical perspective the structural changes of journalism. It can be concluded that there is space to fact-checking develope as a journalistic practice to improve democracy, but its consolidation depends of a psicocognitive learning shared by public agentes and citizens.


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Author Biography

Taís Seibt, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

Jornalista, professora da graduação em Jornalismo na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), doutora em Comunicação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)


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How to Cite

Seibt, T. (2020). Limits and Possibilities of Fact-Checking as a Social Practice to Improve Democracy: The Truco Nos Esta-dos Project in the Brazilian Elections of 2018. index.Comunicación, 10(2), 115–141.



Articles for monograph on Journalism and Democracy