Advertising Features in Spanish Cyberjournalism: a Study of ‘El Mundo’ and ‘El País’
anuncios, Publicidad, Periodismo, banner, robapáginas, El Mundo, El País, digitalAbstract
Advertising is currently the main source of revenue for digital journalism. The campaign by the big media corporations to establish pay walls of various forms is not at odds with the fact that advertising resources are the main source of finance for the media in the virtual environment. Thus, it is beneficial for the media companies to know the ordinal characteristics of the inclusion of these inserts. This can lead to improvements in business strategies, including those that combine both paper and digital versions. The Research Group on Digital Journalism and Broadband has carried out an empirical study of Spanish media, based on online versions of the most read newspapers El Mundo and El País. A large presence of advertising inserts was observed and the prevailing formats were banners and box ads.Metrics
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