‘Steven Universe’: A Dialogical Hero as a Catalyst for Change





Cultural studies, Gender studies, Fiction, Intersectionality, Matrix of domination, Steven Universe,


The objective of this research is to reflect on the representation of the systems of domination and resistance present in the children's / youth animation series imagined by Rebeca Sugar: Steven Universe (Cartoon Network, 2013-2019). For that purpose, five seasons (160 episodes) are analyzed using the following methodological tools: the analysis of qualitative content and intersectionality (especially the ‘matrix of domination’ designed by Patricia Hill Collins). In this regard, it should be noted that this show uses the licenses of fantasy science fiction to narrate, in a childish manner, the interactions between domination systems such as capitalism, colonialism, sexism or racism. It also talks about the strategies that the characters develop to overcome it, especially through dialogue and empathy and the introduction of topics as diverse as identity search, LGBTI+ rights or the refugee crisis, among others. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that Steven Universe is committed to a transformation of the media field in terms of diversity and social justice.


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Author Biography

Delicia Aguado-Peláez, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

Doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual por la UPV/EHU, investigadora en Aradia Cooperativa


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How to Cite

Aguado-Peláez, D. (2020). ‘Steven Universe’: A Dialogical Hero as a Catalyst for Change. index.Comunicación, 9(3), 207–235. https://doi.org/10.33732/ixc/09/03Steven



Articles for monograph on Television Intersections