Brand Placement in Music Videos: Effectiveness in UK, Spain and Italy
El ‘brand placement’ en los videos musicales: efectividad en Reino Unido, España e Italia
Brand Placement, Music Videos, Brand Awareness, Brand Recall, Brand Familiarity, Cross-cultural StudyAbstract
Brand placement is used as an alternative advertising strategy. This case study aimed at investigating its efficacy in music videos in the UK, Spain and Italy through surveys. The first research question aimed at determining the degree of association between nationality and brand familiarity. Results have reported a directional association for half the brands advertised. The second research question aimed at determining the correlation between brand familiarity and brand recall. This study demonstrated that the greater the familiarity of the brand, the more likely it is to be recalled after watching a music video. The third research question aimed at determining whether participants were more aware of brands that they had not previously heard of after watching the music videos. Results showed similar responses of participants either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement and similar results were obtained for the Italian and British samples. It could be concluded that brand placement in music videos is especially effective in certain cultures and situations.Metrics
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