Weight of Sportswear Brands Within Elite European Football Through Sponsorship. Marketing and Competition Between Adidas and Nike





Sponsorship, Marketing, Professional football, Adidas, Nike, Brands



This research aims to elucidate the weight of the major sports-wear brands in terms of sponsorship within elite European professional football. It will also be determined if Adidas and Nike have an equal role in terms of their ability to activate sponsorships within this sector, key in their global battle to be leaders in the market in which they compete. To obtain relevant information in this regard, a first stage is set in motion, aimed at building a theoretical framework through the use of bibliographic and docu-mentary review. The second stage develops an ‘ad hoc’ investigation that uses content analysis to register the main players in the elite European foot-ball sector, and who are their official sportswear sponsors. The results ob-tained indicate that Adidas and Nike clearly dominate the activation of this type of sponsorship. Nike is the hegemonic brand on the activation of indi-vidual soccer player sponsorships, while in the collective sponsorships of clubs and federations Adidas stands out discreetly. It can be concluded that there is no exactly balanced weight between the sponsorship activation achievements by both brands.


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Author Biography

Santiago Mayorga, Universidad Isabel I de Castilla

Doctor en Comunicación. Docente universitario, investigador y coordinador de Master Oficial en Marketing Digital. Brander.

Principales líneas de investigación: Gestión de marcas, branding, nuevas tendencias en publicidad, marketing deportivo y político.


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How to Cite

Mayorga, S. (2021). Weight of Sportswear Brands Within Elite European Football Through Sponsorship. Marketing and Competition Between Adidas and Nike. index.Comunicación, 11(1), 69–94. https://doi.org/10.33732/ixc/11/01Pesode