Interaction with the Social Networks of Spanish Football Clubs




Social Networks, Football Clubs, Engagement, Commitment, Interaction, Users.


Football clubs have joined quickly the successive advances in information technology, including social networks, where they occupy prominent audience positions. The generation of commitment links with the followers has been pointed out as a way to achieve the objectives of sports organizations. This research set out to describe the use of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter by Spanish First Division football clubs in terms of the frequency of posting messages, number of online followers and intensity of engagement of users of the social networks. 6,000 messages were statistically analyzed, automatically and manually captured. An average publication frequency of 31 messages per club was found among the three networks, being Twitter the platform with the highest frequency of publication. Instead, the network with the most followers was Facebook, while Instagram led both the number of interactions and the intensity of the engagement index. Furthermore, a correlation was detected between online factors such as the number of followers or interactions and offline factors that described the size of the club.


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How to Cite

Ballesteros Herencia, C. A. (2021). Interaction with the Social Networks of Spanish Football Clubs. index.Comunicación, 11(1), 11–33.