And Captain Spirit Makes Three. About Mechanics and Significative Choices




Narrative Design, Mechanics, Decisions, Significant, Life is Strange


The character of Captain Spirit reveals the power of imagination in the ludonarrative layer, as he does not limit himself to being another avatar managed by the player, nor an alter ego of his creator, little Chris. At a narrative level, Captain Spirit is part of the psychology of our main character, he tells us about who he was, who he is, what his fears and dreams are. He is also the perfect vehicle that leads us to empathy through the essential phases of the Aristotelian tragedy. At a ludic level, Captain Spirit manifests himself through significant mechanics, showing his differences with the person who created him.

In this text we will review some of the aspects that make up the ludonarrative engine of video games that include design of choices or ramification, applying them to the case study of The Awesome Adventure of Captain Spirit (Dontnod Entertainment, 2018), a spin-off created by the franchise Life is Strange (Dontnod Entertainment, 2015-) that serves as a bridge the first two installments and whose strategy lies in limiting the agency frame of the player and building an emotional bond with the character through his imagination.


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How to Cite

Porta Pérez, A. (2021). And Captain Spirit Makes Three. About Mechanics and Significative Choices. index.Comunicación, 11(2), 41–58.