Study of Social Audience on Twitter of the Formats of 'Politaintment' in Spain. The Case of 'El Intermedio'
Infotainment, Politainment, Twitter, Engagement, Prosumer, Social AudienceAbstract
This research delves into the television programs of political infotainment (politainment) broadcast in 2018 in Spain and analyzes in a particular way the behavior of the infoshow ‘El Intermedio’, as well as the engagement of its social audience on the social network Twitter. For this, a content analysis methodology has been used on the tweets published by the program, the comments received and the reactions made by its social audience. The results of the investigation indicate that, as a whole, politainment programs, or those that include spectacular politics, and that are broadcast in the night time slot, have a greater number of followers on their Twitter profiles than those that are broadcast in the morning, they also concentrate a higher accumulated monthly linear audience. Regarding the analysis of the tweets and comments of ‘El Intermedio’, the colloquial language and the critical and humorous intentionality are predominant while the engagement obtained is scarce as it does not include only viralizing elements that reinforce its messages.
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