Linguistic Foundations of the Journalistic and Juridical-Administrative Language


  • Carlos Oliva Marañón Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


Lengua de especialidad, lenguaje periodístico, lenguaje jurídico-administrativo, función comunicativa.


The human language is in constant evolution and the lexicon is his digest more mutable. The main objective is the study of the lexicon of the Administration for a better comprehension on the part of the citizens. This language presents a definite idiosyncrasy, not only of lexicon, grammar and style, but also of linguistic theory. The languages journalistic and juridical-administrative constitute a synergy between the global language, the general language and the language of speciality. The specific languages are of mixed character, to half a way between the artificial languages and the natural languages with own peculiarities of character semiotic. One concludes, on the one hand, that the administrative language is a reality of passive perception, foreign to the verbal circuit of the communication that is given in the common language; and, for other one, that the language of the Administration is a code elaborated and prearranged that the citizen has to learn, though it should lose partially the verbal control.


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Author Biography

Carlos Oliva Marañón, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación I

Profesor de Periodismo, Comunicación Audiovisual y Magisterio


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How to Cite

Oliva Marañón, C. (2011). Linguistic Foundations of the Journalistic and Juridical-Administrative Language. index.Comunicación, 1(1), 25–46. Retrieved from