Experience of the Use of ICT with Digital Natives
Gamification, Digital Natives, ICT, Kahoot, Education, Advertising, TrainingAbstract
Nowadays, the society is involved in Media. The students receive such amount of stimulus that it is difficult to catch their attention. The arrival of digital natives requires the integration of digital education platforms in the academic training. This proposal has been developed though a control group uses the traditional teaching method, while another experimental group incorporates the use of digital platforms. Both groups were analysed. Moreover, it has been worked with students of Primary Education through the development of a blog parallel to the textbook. Social Sciences taught as subject. In addition, the evaluation method has carried out, through the application of M-learning, thanks to a questionnaire creation platform, Kahoot. It makes easy the access to more information. As a result of the use of ICTs in class, The global vision qualifies positively the use of gamification in education. Finally, unaware of final evaluations, the students learnt without being conscious.
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