An Exploratory Study Using Neuroscience. Impact of Gender on Response to Social Campaigns in Young People




Social campaigns, Social marketing, Electroencephalogram, Electrodermal response, Neuromarketing, Gender, Neuroscience


The aim of this study is to identify the possible differential impact between men and women of a health awareness campaign against COVID-19. To this end, neurophysiological tools have been used to analyse responses linked to activation, engagement, attention, memorisation, and valence. In addition, a survey is incorporated before and after viewing the campaign to assess the emotions provoked, as well as the willingness to comply with health regulations. An experi­ment was designed in which 45 participants between 19 and 24 years old were exposed to a social campaign about COVID-19 to raise awareness about pandemic compliance. Two neurophysiological techniques were used: skin conductance and electroencephalogram; the devices were provided by BitBrain Technologies. The results indicated that the exposed campaign generated greater activation and engagement in men. In the case of women, higher scores were obtained in attention, memorisation, and valence. These data indicate that social campaigns have a different impact on men and women. This work makes a first exploratory contribution with neurophysiological tools in the analysis of the differential impact of social advertising campaigns according to gender.


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Author Biographies

Susana Fernandez Lores, ESIC University

PhD in Marketing (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM); Master in Marketing (IE Business School); Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. Professor at ESIC University in the areas of Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies. Editor of the International Academic Journal of Communication Research aDResearch ESIC. Author of several book chapters and academic articles, speaker at academic and professional conferences and co-author of the Work Experiential Engagement Model. Her current research interests are focused on branding, communication and new technologies.

Ruth Fernández Hernández, ESIC University

PhD in Tourism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC), Master in Communication and New Technologies Management (URJC-ESIC), Master in Communication and Advertising Management (ESIC), Degree in Communication from the Universidad Oberta de Cataluña (UOC) and Degree in Commercial and Marketing Management (ESIC). Professor at ESIC University in the undergraduate and postgraduate areas. Author of several book chapters and academic articles, speaker at academic and professional conferences. Research interests focused on communication, tourism, consumer behaviour, museums and new technologies. She has worked for eleven years as sales and marketing manager in different companies in the footwear and accessories sector.


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How to Cite

Crespo Tejero, N., Fernandez Lores, S., & Fernández Hernández, R. (2023). An Exploratory Study Using Neuroscience. Impact of Gender on Response to Social Campaigns in Young People. index.Comunicación, 13(2), 25–46.