Television fiction and political memory about terrorism in Spain: ETA case




television fiction, social representations, ETA, terrorism, memory, spain


After more than forty years of armed action, in 2011 the terrorist group ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna/Basque Country and Freedom) ended its armed fight for Basque independence. This study focuses on the treatment of the terrorist group ETA in Spanish television fiction. This research is based on the general assumption that television fiction products collaborate in the construction of collective memory, the revision of history and the management of social trauma. Audiovisual memory can be a tool that helps forgiveness and reconciliation processes. This research studies 15 productions, mainly dram, in which ETA and its armed struggle for the independence of the Basque Country has a central presence. Using the close reading methodology, a narrative analysis has been made concerning three main variables: the figure of the protagonist, the narrative role of ETA, and the scenery where the action takes place. The results indicate how it is possible to build a typology of these productions through which different approaches and treatments around the terrorist band are identified.


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How to Cite

Chicharro Merayo, M., Gil-Gascón, F., & Antona-Jimeno, T. (2024). Television fiction and political memory about terrorism in Spain: ETA case. index.Comunicación, 14(1), 301–321.