Dimensions and Criteria of Transformative Journalism: A Media Reform Proposal





transformative journalism, journalism’s reset, media reform, social justice, social change


This research explores the possibilities of the paradigm of transformative journalism as a media reform initiative that allows us to rethink the values ​​and practices of mainstream journalistic work. Firstly, we delve into the theoretical background of this theoretical proposal from which its basic pillars and characteristics are established. Secondly, a theoretical proposal is made that delves into different dimensions and criteria of transformative journalism. This conceptualization aims to give meaning to a type of journalism in favor of global social justice and, therefore, as a facilitator for the reduction of human and eco-social suffering, through narratives and journalistic organization. Consequently, in the face of an immutable and static conception of media structures, a dynamic and alterative vision is included here that manifests the need to undertake new communicative paths that reformulate the organizational, narrative, structural and financing approach of the media and journalism


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How to Cite

Al-Najjar Trujillo, T. (2024). Dimensions and Criteria of Transformative Journalism: A Media Reform Proposal. index.Comunicación, 14(1), 155–180. https://doi.org/10.62008/ixc/14/01Dimens



Monográfico 14(1) Comunicación, paz y derechos humanos