Sex, Drugs ante Teen-Series: Beharioral Analysis of the teen Characters in TV-Shows


  • Mayte Donstrup Universidad de Sevilla



TV Fiction, TV Series, Teenagers, Alcohol, Tobacco, Sex, Drugs


The aim of this study is to analyze the attitudes and social behaviors of the protagonists of teen series; that is, fiction series produced for teenagers. With this aim, a content analysis has been carried out, a technique that has allowed the identification of the most common behaviors and consequences in said fiction series. The sample is composed of the first season of the seven series best rated by their audience in the first quarter of 2020: Elite (Netflix: 2018- ), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Netflix: 2018- ), Sex Education (Netflix: 2019- ), 13 Reasons Why (Netflix: 2017), I Am Not Okay with This (Netflix: 2020- ), Riverdale (The WC: 2017- ) y Euphoria (HBO: 2019- ). The results indicate a high percentage of scenes of unprotected sex and alcohol consumption with hardly any negative consequences.


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Author Biography

Mayte Donstrup, Universidad de Sevilla

Doctoranda en Comunicación


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How to Cite

Donstrup, M. (2022). Sex, Drugs ante Teen-Series: Beharioral Analysis of the teen Characters in TV-Shows. index.Comunicación, 12(1), 261–284.