The Political Show in 'El Hormiguero 3.0' with Presidential Candidates for Government: 2015-2019




El Hormiguero, Bells, Elections, Politicians, Television, Show


The infotainment is a key piece for political communication and the candidates tour the television sets showing their communication skills. Television entertainment programs such as Antena 3's El Hormiguero have taken advantage of this situation to develop a series of electoral interviews with the candidates for the presidency of the Government of Spain. This arti-cle will analyze these programs that have been broadcast during the electoral campaigns held between 2015 and 2019, both from their content and their structure. To carry out this research, the models framed in the quantitative paradigm have been used, focusing on descriptive questions from the content analysis adding the qualitative study of them. The programs that have been carried out in the electoral periods have maintained an identical structure in the interviews broadcast in each campaign prior to the elections so that all candidates were on an equal footing on issues related to current hot topics.


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Author Biography

Manuel Antonio Pacheco Barrio, Universidad de Valladolid

Profesor de la Facultad de CC.SS. Jurídicias y de la Comunicación de la Universidad de Valladolid.

Doctor en Ciencias de la Información por la UCM y doctor en Historia Contemporánea por la UAM.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Barrio, M. A. (2022). The Political Show in ’El Hormiguero 3.0’ with Presidential Candidates for Government: 2015-2019. index.Comunicación, 12(1), 121–150.



Monographic 12(1) Online pop politics