Broad Audiences and Web Visibility: How Academic Communication Journals Rank on Google




Web Visibility, SEO, Academic Journals, Search Engine Optimization, Broad Audiences, Google


This research analyzes the web visibility of the main Ibero-American academic journals on communication with the aim of identifying the degree of dissemina-tion of their contents to broad audiences. For this purpose, an analysis of the search engine optimization (SEO) actions taken by the web portals of 50 aca-demic journals identified for positioning in was carried out, using the Sistrix Toolbar tool. This study has made it possible to identify which journals are most visible when a query is made on, to draw up a web visibility ranking of the journals analyzed and to propose a series of good SEO practices taking as a model those that are better positioned. In this sense, it is confirmed that Comunicar Magazine is the one with the highest visibility to the general public, followed by Chasqui: Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación and Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. In short, the results corroborate that the search engine optimization work of the academic journals studied has am-ple room for improvement if they want to reach broad audiences.


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How to Cite

Lopezosa, C., & Vállez, M. (2023). Broad Audiences and Web Visibility: How Academic Communication Journals Rank on Google. index.Comunicación, 13(1), 153–171.