Neuromarketing and Artificial Intelligence: the Case of Cruzcampo's Campaign 'With a Strong Accent'




Neuromarketing, Artificial Intelligence, Advertising campaigns, Branding, Brand image


Since neuroscience broke into the field of marketing at the beginning of the 21st century, it has been proven that consumers base a large part of their daily decisions on their feelings, based on stimuli that move them rather than solely relying on conscious and rational factors. The research presents a case analysis of an award-winning Spot that uses artificial intelligence as the basis of the creative idea. Its objective is to assess the extent to which the implementation of this resource is pertinent in eliciting emotions, influencing brand awareness and perception, and fostering a favorable attitude towards the brand. For the analysis, a neuromarketing technique has been used, the Implicit Association Test, complemented with in-depth interviews and a CAWI survey. The results suggest that the use of AI in the creation of advertising messages favors the generation of positive attitudes toward the brand since it enhances the strength of the message transmitted, but it does not seem to influence the brand image or the intention to consume it.


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Author Biography

Pavel Sidorenko Bautista, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Professor and researcher in the Faculty of Business and Communication at the International University of La Rioja. D. from the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Master in Social Communication from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello and Bachelor in History from the Universidad Central de Venezuela. He has also been a professor at the Faculty of Communication of the UCLM, in the Master in Social Communication of the UCV and in the Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences of the Monteávila University of Caracas. She researches on new narratives and new technologies in communication processes and immersive journalism. She has also worked on discourse and communication from a populist perspective.


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How to Cite

Ferruz-González, S.-A., Sidorenko Bautista, P., & Santos López, C. (2023). Neuromarketing and Artificial Intelligence: the Case of Cruzcampo’s Campaign ’With a Strong Accent’. index.Comunicación, 13(2), 147–169.