Situationist International a Precursor Movement of Performance Art


  • Celia Balbina Fernández Consuegra Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


psicogeografía, détournement, sociedad del espectáculo, letrismo


The great sin of this movement known as the Situationist International, was trying to destroy the established order, the simulation of our reality, constructed and manipulated through the information media. Inclusive, from its origins in the 1940´s decade, this movement like no one other contemplates all forms of creation: plastic, theater, performance, film, photography, literature, poesy, dealing with politics, moral and life itself. Its ideological concepts, elaborated in a clear way in its numerous texts, denounce the brutal alienation that the society of consumption produces, putting a series of strategies to liberate the individual, basis that go around in the creation of situations. The situations were ephemeral acts, authentic, one in a lifetime and because of that, impossible to commercialized. One of these situations, was the action against the assembly of international art´s critics in 1958. The general situations generated inside the movement, setting the foundation to name the term Performance Art in the 1970´s decade.


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Author Biography

Celia Balbina Fernández Consuegra, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Doctora en Arte. Profesora de los Grados en Artes Visuales y Danza y Pedagogía de las Artes Visuales y Danza. Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje, la Cultura y la Educación. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales.

Profesora Visitante


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How to Cite

Fernández Consuegra, C. B. (2014). Situationist International a Precursor Movement of Performance Art. index.Comunicación, 4(1), 123–147. Retrieved from