The Idea of Objectivity in Journalists from Ecuador


  • Martín Oller Alonso Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales. Universidad de Postgrad del Estado
  • Palmira Chavero Ramírez Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN)
  • Edith Ortega Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Tania Pullas Banco Centrol del Ecuador


Cultura periodística, objetividad, América Latina, métodos objetivos, Ecuador.


This article presents the results of Journalistic Culture of Ecuador (CPE) draft based on the idea of objectivity that Ecuadorian journalists. The goal is to understand what respondents think about the concept of objectivity in journalism Ecuadorian culture, since this idea determines the type of journalism that is exercised in the country. This objectivity, first analyzed from a philosophical point of view and associated terms such as reality, truth, subjectivity and truth; and, secondly, from a pragmatic point of view from the application of certain standardized objective methods. The fieldwork for this research were conducted 31 in-depth interviews with working journalists 6 national media. This qualitative study is an analysis of the journalistic culture of Ecuador and the factors of influence on journalists was added. The results show that respondents advocate a great newspaper based on the concept of objectivity as a means of justification for the professionalization of journalism organizations against media regulation and legislation in communication.


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Author Biographies

Martín Oller Alonso, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales. Universidad de Postgrad del Estado

Dr. Martín Oller

Profesor e investigador en el Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN)

República del Ecuador


Palmira Chavero Ramírez, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN)

Dra. Palmira Chavero
Ph.D. en Periodismo
Profesora e investigadora en el Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN)
República del Ecuador

Edith Ortega, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Mag. Edith Ortega

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Tania Pullas, Banco Centrol del Ecuador

Lda. Tania Pullas

Banco Central del Ecuador


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How to Cite

Oller Alonso, M., Chavero Ramírez, P., Ortega, E., & Pullas, T. (2014). The Idea of Objectivity in Journalists from Ecuador. index.Comunicación, 4(1), 237–262. Retrieved from

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