Media literacy education in the CV of journalists
comunicación audiovisual, enseñanza, educomunicación, alfabetización, Education, Communication, Curriculum, Media Literacy, Media Competence, JournalismAbstract
The aim of this article is to present some of the findings of the research: Media Competence. The diagnosis of the three contexts: the professional one, the university level, and the compulsory educational level”. Since 2011, the research groups have worked in this project with more than 50 researchers of 18 spanish universities. In previous works, the antecedents of Media Literacy have been studied collecting the contributions of several authors of media education. For more than five decades, a good deal of researchers have investigated the wide context of educommunication in Europe and Latin America. The traditional context of Literacy has been an inspiration to include other lenguages like the audiovisual media ones. First, the concept of media literacy won the battle but nowadays hypermedia, multimedia and transmedia, have taken over.Metrics
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