Proposal for an Ontology as a Knowledge Representation Model in the Domain of Home Movies
Film archiving, Film archives, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Knowledge Representation, Ontologies, Home MoviesAbstract
A proposal for a static ontology is presented for the domain of home movies preserved in film archives, which optimizes the organization processes and the search of this type of collections. Given that there is no standard methodology for designing ontologies, for the construction of our proposal the one formulated by Mendonça and Soares was chosen, for its simplicity and clarity. After watching 300 home movies, a glossary of terms was obtained, from which a taxonomy was built, using a double hierarchical-relational approach, in order to be able to navigate in a more flexible way through these contents. Following the OWL scheme, the classes, subclasses, relationships between classes and axioms of our ontology were defined. Currently, this ontological proposal, the first one which is developed in this field, is in an experimental phase for verification and validation.
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