The Leimotif of the Aesthetic of Pedro Almodóvar Analyzed through the Cartelística of his Work


  • María Tabuenca Bengoa Universidad CEU San Pablo


cine, Pedro Almodóvar, carteles de cine, diseño gráfico


Pedro Almodovar is considered a representative of the aesthetic and the ‘savoir faire’ of a generation of artists and creators that emerged in Spain in the eighties, just when freedoms were taking on the streets. It is the aim of this work, therefore, to determine specifically what is the aesthetic that marked the years of La Movida and the potential impact it has had on Almodóvar´s creative evolution. We try to see what is the true scope of the artistic influences experienced and shared by the director and see, therefore, how these influences are reflected in the posters designed to identify his films and a progression in time. The aim of this study is the formal analysis (graphic, typographic and chromatic) of the posters that have announced and promoted Almodóvar´s films throughout his career as a director, which has developed entirely in Spain during the last four decades.


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How to Cite

Tabuenca Bengoa, M. (2012). The Leimotif of the Aesthetic of Pedro Almodóvar Analyzed through the Cartelística of his Work. index.Comunicación, 1(1), 89–144. Retrieved from