Thematic Uniformity in the International Sections of the Madrid Daily Press versus the Local Sections


  • Luis Izquierdo Labella Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


agenda temática, uniformidad, actualidad, noticias


The media move forward a progressive uniformity on the selection of the news. But while some sections as international does it strongly other sections as local does it with more thematic variety. Trough the analysis of international and local sections of four most important newspapers from Madrid this research clarify that the coincidence rate of international sections is double than the local sections rate. Despite the correspondent networks of the newspapers, some factors like international press agencies and the media of the reference countries for Spain drive international sections to offer a limited agenda setting because of the important rate of coincidence. However in local areas the limited influence of other cities or countries let the newspapers offer a wider variety of news and a wider agenda setting.


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Author Biography

Luis Izquierdo Labella, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Doctor en Periodismo por la UCM, soy redactor del diario La Vanguardia desde 1997. También soy el coordinador de la asignatura Periodismo de proximidad: la información local en la Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, donde trabajo como profesor asociado desde el curso 2005-06


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How to Cite

Izquierdo Labella, L. (2012). Thematic Uniformity in the International Sections of the Madrid Daily Press versus the Local Sections. index.Comunicación, 2(1), 37–48. Retrieved from