The ‘other radios’ of Castilla y León. Characteristics of a decentralized communicative experience of citizen origin
Broadcasting, Free radio, Local radio, Community radio, Communication History, Castile and LeónAbstract
The name of the other radios (Prado, 1999) gathers several sorts of minority radio stations (free, community and local radios) which are not linked to national channels and which came to Spain in the late 1970s. They all shared the original and common purpose of giving a voice to civil society, with neither any journalistic-professional intervention nor the commercial limitations of the mass media. This paper studies their evolution and current state in the autonomous community of Castile and León through the vision of their promoters and members, with the purpose of finding what are the other radios that are still working, where they are located, how they define their own activity, what their characteristics are and the differences between them. The methodology used was based on the information that these radios provided publicly (on their webpages) as well as directly for this paper (through questionnaires sent to their coordinators or people in charge). 28 other radios were detected, with disparity of aims and inner structures, but with similar democratic and pluralist philosophies.
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