Television Coverage of the Cancún Summit: Thematic Agenda, Speeches and Sources in the Spanish News
comunicación, ciencias de la información, medio ambiente, cambio climático, análisis televisivo, media, cumbre del clima, televisiónAbstract
This article wants to show the results on media representation related to the information provided about the Climate Convention in Cancun (Mexico) held between November 29 and December 11, 2010 by the main public and private channels news at Spanish television. A qualitative and quantitative analysis has been performed through 169 news pieces records that represent the projection of the selected news media. Some of the parameters selected for the study are: time occupied by the issue of information, the appearance of their own images or agencies’ images, the presence or absence of the reporter on the part issued, the type of information, the place on the news… These are some of the questions of a protocol that will help to show issues of representation, processing and speech reached at the news covering related to climate change in the media analyzed.Metrics
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