Learn with dialogue, dialogue to learn: Case study in MOOC


  • Margarita Roura-Redondo Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros (Universidad de Alcalá)
  • Sara Osuna-Acedo UNED


Dialogue, MOOC, e-learning, collaboration, participation, communication,


By using dialogue, participatory and collaborative methodologies are encouraged, due to the fact that dialogue must always consider the active intervention of all the interlocutors through tolerance, respect, inclusion, equity, open-mindedness, listening and self-questioning our own reasoning. Massive online open courses, MOOC, have revolutionized the online educative environment promoting the reconsideration of new disruptive approaches in their didactic methods. Dialogue will be key in these new learning methods, since it will facilitate and encourage the interaction and communication among the educative virtual community, and will stimulate the collaborative work of their members. This article presents a research done on 40 MOOCs from eleven popular platforms and institutions, which, with interviews in depth with experts in digital learning, aims to analyze the use of dialogue through participative and collaborative methodologies. The results allow us to conclude by stating that, although it’s true that methodological practices based on dialogue are highly appreciated by experts, these are not a generalized procedure in the analyzed courses, which does not discard the fact that very interesting activities have been found based on dialogue, participation and collaboration.


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Author Biographies

Margarita Roura-Redondo, Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros (Universidad de Alcalá)

Doctora en educación

Profesora Titular

Departamento de Didácticas Específicas

Sara Osuna-Acedo, UNED

Doctora en Educación

Profesora titular

Departamente de didáctica, Organización escolar y DDEE


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How to Cite

Roura-Redondo, M., & Osuna-Acedo, S. (2018). Learn with dialogue, dialogue to learn: Case study in MOOC. index.Comunicación, 8(2), 103–128. Retrieved from https://indexcomunicacion.es/index.php/indexcomunicacion/article/view/384