Promotion of Quality of Life Through Digital Responsible Journalism
Quality Life, Responsible Digital Journalism, Digital News, Latin American Newspapers.Abstract
During this century, the quality life (QoL) has become a priorityfor many countries. There is a clear interest in the different organizations in
society, such as the media, for collaborating so that their citizens have better living standards. The objective of this research is to characterize the promotion of quality life in news from Latin American companies within the framework of responsible digital journalism (RDJ), for which it developed from the concept of quality life and the areas in which this concept studied to identify the
characteristics of the quality of life. A quantitative, descriptive and transversal approach implemented to analyze the notes published in three Latin American newspapers in 2019. The results show that there is a low diffusion about the quality of life in the messages where the characteristics that the reader could detect were not identified with the indicators of quality of social life. However, news adheres to principles of the PDR such as truthfulness, objective language and reflexionethicsof the profession.
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