The European Union in the Series 'Parlement' (2020). Between Fiction and Realism




Fiction, Infotainment, Series, European Union, Parlement, Realism


The interest of this research resides in the analysis of the only fiction series dealing with the functioning of the European Union: the French-Belgian-German production Parlement (Émilie Noblet and Jérémie Sein, 2020). Through a qualitative methodology, it seeks to answer a threefold research objective: (1) to analyze the main characters and their characteristic elements; (2) to identify the space-time relationship and the political actions addressed in fiction in order to provide realism to its development through the scenarios and arguments presented; and (3) to detect the existence of parallelisms between the European Union in the social imagery and the one presented in the series according to the theory of social representations, the reality effect and the Eurobarometer surveys. The results reveal that Parlement works with stereotypes and social perceptions about the European Union through satire but manages to offer pedagogical elements in all its episodes. In this way, it accomplishes becoming a popular catalyst to bring European politics closer to citizens, by projecting a more human and lighthearted image.


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Author Biographies

Alicia Gil-Torres, Universidad de Valladolid

PhD in Journalism (Extraordinary Award), Master in Political Consulting, Bachelor in Advertising and Public Relations and Graduate in Journalism. Assistant Professor at the University of Valladolid in the degree of Journalism. Member of the research project "Politainment en el entorno de la posverdad: nuevas narrativas, clickbait y gamificación" and of GIR Nuteco. The lines of research are political communication, electoral campaigns and origanizational communication. Before becoming a full-time teacher, she worked as an independent consultant for 9 years advising organizations, politicians and political parties. Her last job was as Chief of Staff in España Global, a State Secretariat (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EU and Cooperation).


Cristina San José-de la Rosa, Universidad de Valladolid

Cristina San José-De la Rosa
Doctora en Periodismo, Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas, Licenciada en Periodismo y Licenciada en Filología Hispánica. Profesora en la Universidad de Valladolid en el grado de Periodismo. Sus líneas de investigación son periodismo y cine y medios de comunicación.


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How to Cite

Gil-Torres, A., & San José-de la Rosa, C. (2022). The European Union in the Series ’Parlement’ (2020). Between Fiction and Realism. index.Comunicación, 12(1), 151–174.



Monographic 12(1) Online pop politics