Media Ecosystem
ecosistema mediático, nuevos medios de comunicación, periodismo, Internet, redes socialesAbstract
Originally used to describe the relationship between the blogosphere and the mainstream media, the concept of Media Ecosystem was extended to include all media relations. The new forms of interaction with contents and the changes in media consumption motivated by mobility and new interfaces have changed the media and forced them to adapt to a new reality. Starting from the original concept of Ecology, this study tried to identify a set of elements that helps us to clarify the concept of Media Ecosystem, particularly regarding the various factors that influence it. We try to draw a parallel between the two ecosystems –biological and media– seeking ways to integrate the innovations concerning about the media technical development, the tools and the applications that are changing the roles and contents of the old media, and changing the media consumption. Our proposal seeks to integrate some concepts that now are studied in a fragmented and sometimes decontextualized way upon the new media environment.
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