Digital Media Strategies Employed by Medécins Sans Frontières in Spain During the Covid Crisis




NGOD, Médecins Sans Frontières, COVID-19, Social Advertising, Social Marketing


This article analyzes the digital communication of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) during its intervention in Spain due to the emergency caused by COVID-19. Using content analysis techniques, the text engages with a number of the messages posted on the MSF website, emails sent to partners and publications on Facebook and Twitter. The material (a total 58 messages) is categorized by subject, sender, format, and objective, as well as the presence of informative or emotional approaches. Complementarily, items such as intensity, positive or negative undertones and the terms most frequently used are also examined. Our conclusion points towards the use of digital communication with a view to reinforce MSF's public image as an entity specialized in health care in emergency situations. The unprecedented intervention in Spain during the COVID-19 crisis has also shown MSF to be accountable to its audiences, showing how the organization usually works in other countries.


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How to Cite

Rubio-Pinilla, P., & Candón-Mena, J. (2021). Digital Media Strategies Employed by Medécins Sans Frontières in Spain During the Covid Crisis. index.Comunicación, 11(2), 231–255.